story boards

A collection of quotes,

thoughts, and musings.

Zacharias ... are you with us? This simple call and response mnemonic reminds us how we can readily take better care of ourselves and others around us.  Zzz... Rested and creatively centered. Alert... Mentally coherent and aware. Capable... Prepared to respond as needed. Here... Present, compassionate, ready. Together, these queues can allow us to show up better and be more effective.

Zacharias ... are you with us?

You know how, sometimes when you first awaken, you're filled with all kinds of cool ideas - especially when the alarm didn't get there first?

The idea for this Story Board happened when I was in that not quite yet awake state, and my mind was swirling with creative thoughts.

Having recently been at a chili competition with more than 100 other guys and a very rousing speaker, some part of me imagined the phrase

Zacharias ... are you with us?

It's catchy, old fashioned revival-style call and response. And I like the rhyme. I wondered about using the first few letters of the name as a mnemonic.

What would "Z" represent? Rested, refreshed, rejuvenated, relaxed, revitalized. Obviously, those don't begin with "z", but they also require sufficient "Z's" so they can happen.




From our System to yours,

- Richard

Story Boardtext
Zacharias...+ Rested+ Alert+ Capable+ Here...are you with us?-- -- -- -- --This simple call and response mnemonic reminds us how we can readily take better care of ourselves and others around us. Zzz... Rested and creatively centered.Alert... Mentally coherent and aware.Capable... Prepared to respond as needed.Here... Present, compassionate, ready.Together, these queues can allow us to show up better and be more effective.- Richard TashmaLQF.Life | [Love+Quest+Family>Life]™
(Added 20200225)(Edited 20200303)